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The Real Ghost Stories

I really don't know

But in my heart I somehow knew Robz gave me the confirmation I needed. From that point on, I would smell the fragrance every so often around me

The scent became somewhat comforting and warm after a certain point. Robz and I may have not been destined to be together in this lifetime but I take comfort in knowing that Robz is still with me from the spiritual realm

To this day the one regret I have is that I never got to say goodbye. I would like to hear comments from others on YGS regarding my experience

Is it even possible to be able to smell what I was? Also what I have been curious about is if a soul/spirit takes on the same personality as when the person was alive? Do souls change once passing? And how is it that we are able to connect with certain loved ones and not others? It has been years since Robz passed on, why would I still be contacted to this day? 

Spiritual Influences That Destroyed My Family 

When I was about 5 or 6 years old my family lived in an outbuilding somewhere in a township

My mum and dad always lived with my dad's in-laws and the outbuilding was the first room that they rented

Needless to say they were quite excited because they were finally independent

Everything was fine in the beginning mummy loved my dad to bits

She was five and a half months pregnant with my sister, so she stayed at home while my dad worked. We were a happy family until things started going horribly wrong

My father started beating my mum, abusing her mentally and physically knowing very well that she was pregnant

He also started cheating on her and disappeared for days at a time

I don't really recall everything but one memory that stuck with me forever was seeing a very sinister spirit

Being only five I wouldn't know wrong from right yet I got this horrible feeling just from remembering this 'thing'

Every time my mum and dad would fight he would just stand there as if influencing the situation. There was one situation I remember as if it was yesterday

I was getting out of the car while mum and dad were taking the groceries out

Our outbuilding had a warehouse attached to it

It was used to store the landlord's old furniture and tools etc

I was looking in that direction when suddenly there was a man standing there

I don't know where he came from but he was the ugliest thing I've ever seen

He looked like a shadow his mass looked as if he was made out of tar, very dark with two red eyes

I don't think my parents could see him because he was standing in front of them

He beckoned me with his hand and made a gesturing movement as if to take it. I felt sick and told my father to look at this man calling me

As I was speaking to my father he moved with such speed and awkwardness it almost looked as if he was scared

He opened the door to the warehouse and closed it with such weird movement it looked like he was trying to adjust to present time. I knew that this spirit was sinister, he effected my life so bad my parents ended up divorcing

I remember another time waking up early in the morning

I was standing at the foot at my parent's bed swearing and cussing at them as if it were my first language

We had a cupboard at the side of the bed and on top of this cupboard was that man laying across, looking down at me and smiling. Being Hindu Asian my parents lit the lamp and prayed for me

They did prayers but nothing helped

Sadly it went downhill from there, my sister was born six months premature, through prayer she managed to live though, thank God

We are inseparable now but for some sad reason my mum seems to dislike her

Maybe because she reminds her of the suffering we've been through. Anyway we moved from that place but one of his minions followed us

It made our life hell

It would use my dad's voice to call me and it would want to play with us

It would break my dad's things and he would beat us when he came from work

Dad carried on beating mummy until he put her in hospital one day

He carried on with his cheating ways as well until she found the courage to divorce him

By that time she had another baby girl but she moved on with her life and took us with

She converted us to Roman Catholic and remarried. My dad remarried unhappily, had two more girls and sadly continued his evil ways

The evil followed him and it continued until my dad found God

We have a close relationship now and he regrets what he has done to us. I will never forgive that evil being for destroying my family

I believe that there are spiritual influences in our life and there are nasty and jealous people that send evil to you. I am Hindu again, it doesn't matter who you pray to, just believe in God. 


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:57 AM

